All scholars are prepared for college and life.
At LAB High School, we prepare scholars with the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed in college and career and experience a lifetime of opportunity and choice. Scholars develop in-depth content knowledge along with essential academic skills such as research, reasoning and argumentation, use of data and evidence, and clear communication.
• Experiential & Next Gen
• Small Groups
• More Learning Time

The desire to create a great future for our scholars drives our passion.
LAB teachers and staff actively build a supportive culture to empower scholars, encourage their independence, and teach them about themselves as learners. LAB High School cultivates scholars’ agency in two ways: through deep learning in the content areas, and through a school culture that reflects a commitment to youth development principles. Scholars experience an Advanced Placement curriculum beginning in 9th grade and have a variety of opportunities to apply their learning to real-world contexts throughout high school. Historically, 93% of our high school scholars have earned their diploma in four years.

All scholars receive a Chromebook in order to build their digital literacy skills while engaging in advanced coursework.

Honor Society
LAB is part of NHS; scholars become eligible for the Honor Society in the 10th grade and can access a variety of college benefits through their membership.

College Preparation
LAB offers PSAT/NMSQT, SAT preparation, college visit trips, and college application/admission support to every student.

Scholars are empowered through the “Foundations of Entrepreneurial Learning” course as well as through a culture that is commited to youth development principles.

1:30 College
Counselor Ratio
Every scholar has a dedicated counselor who helps manage their four-year journey to the college or career pathway of their dreams.

LAB High School scholars have the opportunity to apply for and take part in internships and various enrichment opportunities across New York City. These opportunities are updated throughout the year and include:
Internships hosted through the school in partnership with New York City businesses and organizations
Funding opportunities

Scholars have access to AP courses and the ability to earn AP credits in the main content areas. AP courses provide scholars the opportunity to take college-level courses and exams as high school students. This opportunity supports college access by allowing students to earn college credit, save money and time, and demonstrate commitment to potential colleges. Specifically-designed Pre-AP courses in 8th and 9th grade prepare scholars to access these courses throughout their remaining high school years.
AP Classes include: Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Composition & Language, Literature, Research: Government & Economics Research Support, Seminar, Statistics, and U.S. & World History.